国开电大英语Ⅱ(1) 开放英语3 unit3答案

"题目1:What does the passage mainly discuss?
: The declining divorce rate in the UK.
; The declining marriage rate in the UK. 
; The increasing divorce rate in the UK.
; Trends in marriage and divorce in the UK. "
"题目2:During the last ten years, __________.
: the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK 
; the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UK 
; 40% of children were born to unwed couples in the UK 
; 40% of children were born to single parents in the UK"
"题目3:According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to __________.
: decline 
; soar (急剧上升)
; stay stable 
; not mentioned in the passage"
"题目4:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? 
: The highest divorce rate was around 1969. 
; The marriage rate has gone down in recent years. 
; The marriage rate is currently 70 percent. 
; 90 per cent of lone parent families are headed by women. "
"题目5:The last Para. tells us __________.
: the birth rate in the UK is increasing at the moment 
; the birth rate in other European countries keeps increasing 
; at present any family in the UK is 2 children at most 
; the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now "

"题目1:What does this passage mainly deal with? 
: How to take care of the old people. 
; Lily’s daily experience as a carer of her 91-year-old mother. 
; Whether Lily should send her mother to the old people’s home.
; What Lily’s mother’s daily life is like."
"题目2:Their breakfast from Monday to Saturday usually includes__________
: toast 
; bacon and eggs 
; tea 
; both A and B"
"题目3:Which of the following is TRUE, based on the passage?
: Lily’s mother wakes up earlier than her.
; Lily’s mother reads newspaper over the breakfast.  
; Lily’s mother makes the tea herself every morning. 
; They usually have breakfast together at home. "
"题目4:From the passage, we learn Lily’s mother ___________
: is good looking 
; goes out very frequently 
; has her hair cut at home
; can bear the long-time loneliness at home"
"题目5:How does Lily feel about caring about her mother?
: She regards it as a fantastic job.
; She is bored with it and thinks about send her to an old people’s home. 
; She feels she is bound (约束) by it but she has no other better choice. 
; None of the above."

题目1:There’s no a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (可供选择的办法) but to go on.
题目2:Everyone should be allowed f _ _ _ _ _ _ (自由) of choice.
题目3:She was a young woman of good a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (外表)        
题目4:We have b _ _ _ _ (熏肉), eggs and sausage for breakfast.
题目5:He has been the c _ _ _ _ (照顾老人的人) for the old man for ten years.
题目6:A knife was found at the place of the c _ _ _ _ (犯罪行为) .
题目7:She had a d _ _ _ (约会) on Sunday.
题目8:The prices on oil d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (下降) .
题目9:They got d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (离婚) after only one month of their wedding.
题目10:He is making s _ _ _ _ _ (平稳的) progress in his work.
题目11:If you____a department, company, or organization, you are the person in charge of it.
题目12:If you ______ something, you think about it and you have a picture in your mind.
题目13:If you do something _____, you do it in the usual way.
题目14:If you feel ____, you feel pleased about something good.
题目15:The _____ of one kind of one thing in a group is the number of things of that kind compared to the total number of things in the group.
题目16:A ______ change is great in amount, or degree.
题目17:A _______ is the people who live in a country and their way of life.
题目18:A _______ is someone who has been hurt or killed.
题目19:A ______ fact or thing is one that is important or shows something.
题目20:A _______ is a person who cuts, colours, and arranges people's hair.
"题目21:I was told she _____ her boyfriend.
: split up
; divorced with
; split up with
; was split up with"
"题目22:These shoes are comfortable ____ pretty.
: rather and
; than
; but rather
; rather than"
"题目23:We do meet ______, but not regularly.
: now or again
; now and again
; again and now
; now again"
"题目24:What was she _____yesterday?.
: robbed of
; robbed
; robbed off
; robbed by"
"题目25:I am  _____ be a Chinese.
: proud of
; proud for
; proud to
; proud on"
"题目26:_____ you still in touch with your old friends?
: Keep
; Do
; Have
; Are"
"题目27:Who ___ your baby when you went to work?
: was cared for
; looked after
; takes care of
; cared about"
"题目28:My mother _____ for almost two years.
: got retired
; retired
; has been retired
; was tired"
"题目29:He __ a teacher’s family.
: was born in
; born
; born from
; born in"
"题目30:This is  _____ conversation.
: personal
; a private
; a myself
; an own"

"题目1:After the last war there was a sharp rise in the population.

After the last war the population _______________."
"题目2:During the last ten years there has been a significant rise in women’s wages.

During the last ten years women’s wages ____________________."
"题目3:Since last October there has been a slow fall in inflation.

Since last October inflation _________________."
"题目4:Last year there was a slight increase in the average wage.

The average wage _________________ last year."
"题目5:In the last 100 years there has been a slow decline in the birthrate.

In the last 100 years the birthrate ________________."
"题目6:Last century there was a rapid rise in life expectancy.

Life expectancy ________________ last century."
"题目7:1. Unemployment fell  _____  1.5 million last year. It fell _____ 4.5 million _____ 3 million. It has already fallen _____ half a million this year, _____ 2.5 million this month.

2. Inflation rose _____ 4% in ten years: it was 5% in 1991, but it rose _____ 6% in 1992 _____ 9% in 1999. In 2000, however, it fell _____ 9% _____ 7%. In 2001 it decreased further _____ 3% and at the end of the year it was 4%."
题目9:now and again
题目12:from time to time
题目17:not often
题目18:hardly ever
题目19:I lived with my parents, then I _______( leave ) home for the first time when I went to university.
题目20:My brother _______( loose) his job three times in the recession (经济衰退期).
题目21:I _____________ (get divorced) in 1995 when my son was five years old, but his father still lives very near and he sees his son now and then.
题目22:My mother________(retire )before my father when she was 60.
题目23:My grandmother was 93 when she_______(die ).
题目24:We ________ ( move) house three years ago when my husband got a job in another city.

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