2015年4月大学英语b统考题库 阅读理解



1、 Look at the instructions on the bottle of the medicine and then choose the right answers.
John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine.

Cough Medicine
Shake it well before use.
Take it three times each day before meals.
Dose (药量):
Age:over 14: 2 teaspoonfuls
8-13: 1 teaspoonful
4-7: 1/2 teaspoonful
Not right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st 2002.

1)、John should take 3 teaspoonfuls a day.

2)、The medicine should be kept in any place.

3)、John should shake the medicine well before he takes it.

4)、When kids are two years old, they cannot take this medicine.

5)、John will stop taking the medicine when it is left after Dec.1st, 2002.

2、 Jimmy is a very kind young man, he works in a big supermarket. His workmates like him very much.
Last month Jimmy caught a bad cold, he stayed in bed for about two weeks. But after he got well, something happened-he couldn't stop winking(眨眼). When he stayed at home. he was all right as usual. But if he went out, he couldn't stop his eyes from winking.
Jimmy went to work the next morning. On the way he met a policeman and winked at him. The policeman felt surprised but said nothing. Then he met an old man and winked at him. The old man thought he must be mad. But still he didn't say a word.
Real trouble started when he met women. First he met a young lady. He winked at her. The woman's face turned red, and ran away as fast as she could. And then he met an old woman who carried a walking stick. Jimmy winked at her, she looked closely at him. Jimmy winked again. Without saying a word, she hit Jimmy on the head with her walking stick.
“Take that!” she cried out “This is a lesson for you.”
Poor Jimmy! How could he explain it? He ran away quickly.
From then on, he always wears a pair of dark glasses when he goes out.
1)、Jimmy had to stay in hospital for a long time.

2)、When he stayed at home,he couldn’t control his eyes of winking.

3)、The young lady felt surprised when Jimmy winked.

4)、Jimmy winked at the young lady because he loved her very much.

5)、The old woman hit Jimmy because Jimmy winked at her.

3、 Peter wondered why he didn't have many friends. The reason was he was always taking, never giving.
One day Peter told Bill, “I'd like to give a party on Saturday, I'd like you to come and bring Martha, too.”“Thanks, Peter. We'd be happy to come.”“Perhaps you'd like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I'm sure everyone will want you to sing for us.”That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake.“You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.”Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn't forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.
The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said“Thank you ”to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said,“Thanks for the invitation.”
1)、The party was held at Peter's friend's house.

2)、The Jacksons did hard work for the party.

3)、All his friends liked Peter.

4)、Peter tried his best to give the party.

5)、From the story, we can see Peter was a selfish man.

4、 A public house which was recently bought by Mr. James is up for sale. He is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼的). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr. James had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost (鬼) must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, he shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept it even if he gives it away.
1)、Mr. James was the owner of the public house.

2)、Mr. James had not turned off the lights that night.

3)、Mr. James built the house.

4)、Mr. James found sixty empty bottles.

5)、The writer of the passage believes Mr. James' story.

5、Paul couldn't sleep last night. He woke up early and sat up, and then he lay down again. He felt terrible. "I must be sick," he thought. "but I must study for that test."
He got up and looked for his history notebook. He finally found it under a pile of clothes on a chair. He went over his history notes, but he couldn't remember any of the facts in the notes. "What shall I do?" he thought. He felt terrible.
Just then Paul's telephone rang. He put down his notebook and picked up the telephone.
"Good morning," Jack's voice said, "You must be wrong about that test."
"What do you mean?" Paul asked weakly.
"We're not going to have the test today." Jack said. "I wrote down the date in my notebook. The test will be next Wednesday; it isn't today. How do you feel this morning?"
"Fine," said Paul. "Just fine!" Suddenly he really felt fine.
1)、Paul felt uneasy (忧虑) because he was seriously ill.

2)、It seemed that Paul was good at history.

3)、Paul felt fine at once after the telephone call.

4)、“How do you feel this morning?” From this question we can see Jack knew Paul very well.

5)、We can guess from the passage that Jack is more careful than Paul.

6、Dear Professor Liu,
Please accept my greeting from New York. I am just beginning my graduate (研究院) studies here at this university. It is the third week of classes now. My roommate, Tom, is also a graduate student like me. He is studying biology (生物学). He is from Houston. We are now on good terms.
Our dormitory (学生宿舍) is well equipped (配备). There are all kinds of electric home appliances(电器). But we don't have a TV set. I am going to buy one this afternoon. The view on the window is pleasant, and the weather is hot in the summer right now. It is about 38 degrees outside the room. But we have air conditioning in the room, so I feel OK.
How are you getting on? Are you still working on your paper now?
Please say "Hello" to those who have taught me. I miss all of you very much.
Wang Hui

1)、Wang Hui is writing to her former teacher.


2)、From the passage, we know that Wang Hui is a new graduate student in New York.

3)、Tom is from Houston.

4)、Wang Hui thinks her dormitory is too big.


5)、Wang Hui is going to move to another room.


7、 In the UK, in business situations, when you meet someone for the first time you shake hands and say, "How do you do?". This is not really a question, and the reply to it is another greeting such as "How do you do?" or "Hello" or "I'm very pleased to meet you" or, if you have met the person sometime before, "It's good to see you again".
You don't shake hands every time you meet someone, you just greet them. If you are invited to someone's house for dinner, it is usual to take a present - some chocolates or flowers or, if you know them quite well, a bottle of wine. If you do not know the host well, don't be the last person to leave. Telephone the next day to thank the host for the meal. English people don't like to talk about personal things, and tend to avoid religion, politics and money.
Good topics for small talk (闲谈) are the weather, holidays, weekend activities, gardens and architecture (建筑物), especially houses and homes. When you go to a pub or bar, it's usual to take turns to buy a drink for everyone in your group and pay for the drinks when you get them from the bar and before you drink them.
1)、The first paragraph tells us how to greet someone in business situations.

2)、If you are invited to someone's house for dinner, it's better to leave before the last guest leaves if you don't know the host quite well.

3)、English people don't like talking about money and marriage.

4)、In the last paragraph the sentence “…, it's usual to take turns to buy a drink for everyone in your group…” means it's usual to go Dutch (平摊费用).

5)、The subject matter of the passage is British way of greeting people.

8、 The word “day” has two meanings. When we talk about the number of days in a year,we are using “day”to mean 24 hours. But when we talk about day and night,we are using “day” to mean the time between sunrise and sunset. Since the earth looks like a ball,the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. Always one half of the earth is having day and the other half night. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the spinning (旋转) of the earth. At the equator (赤道) day and night are sometimes the same length. They are each twelve hours long. The sun rises at 6 o'clock in the morning and sets at 6 o'clock in the evening. For six months the North Pole is tilted (倾斜) toward the sun. In those months the Northern Hemisphere (半球) gets more hours of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. Days are longer than nights. South of the equator nights are longer than days. For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight. Days are longer than nights. North of the equator nights are longer than days. Winter is the season of long nights. Summer is the season of long days.
1)、When the Western Hemisphere is having day,the Eastern Hemisphere is having night.

2)、A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the pulling of the earth.

3)、At the equator day is as long as night sometimes.

4)、When the North Pole is tilted toward the sun,the Northern Hemisphere gets less sunlight.

5)、When it is winter in China,the North Pole is tilted away from the sun.

9、 Every child has a dream of what they want to be, right? When Renee Butts was little, her dream was to become a volunteer firefighter because her father was one. Sadly, when she was 14, her father died and she was never able to volunteer with him. Renee's story doesn't end there, however, which is why I think of her as a true hero. She was strong-minded and never gave up, which makes her a good firefighter.
Some days she must be ready to deal with any emergency, like fighting a fire, dealing with a car accident or helping someone who's sick. Other days she is in the driver's seat. Sometimes Renee works nine to eleven days a month on 24-hour shifts. She also has a family to take care of. Her husband is a firefighter, too.
Renee remembers the first time she fought a fire. She was awoken early in the morning by the alarm. She said she was very nervous but did what she had to do.
When I asked Renee what the best part of her job is, she replied, “Helping people and saving their lives.” I think that shows signs of being a true hero. She's always glad to do anything for anyone in need. With 140 people in her station, Renee is one of the only three women.
I think she's great. We could never live without people like her who is glad to help others. Renee's deed helps me believe that I can do anything. I hope someday to be just like her: to wake up and help people every day.
1)、When her father died, Renee Butts decided to do what her father did.

2)、Renee's husband is a driver.

3)、The writer learns a lot from Renee.

4)、The writer thinks Renee Butts is careful.

5)、The best title for the passage is "A true Hero".

10、 Do you know something about tree rings(年轮)? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes even hundreds of years ago?
A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunshine and rainfall(雨量). And little sunshine or rainfall will limit(限制)the growth of a tree. We can see the change of climate by studying the tree rings. For example, to find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree from the outside to the inside. If the tenth ring is far from the eleventh ring, then we're sure that it was sunny and rainy most of that year. If it is near to the eleventh ring, then the climate that year was bad.
Tree rings are important not only for studying the history of weather but also for studying the history of man. Many centuries ago there live a lot of people at a place in New Mexico. But now you can find only sand there - no trees and no people. What happened?
A scientist studied the rings of dead trees there. He found that the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees to make fires and buildings. As all the trees had gone, the people there had to move.

1)、Tree rings grow far from each other in good climate.

2)、The scientists are interested in studying tree rings because tree rings can tell whether people took good care of the tree or not.

3)、If you want to find out the weather of twenty years ago, you should study the twentieth ring of a tree from the outside to the inside.

4)、Trees can bring lots of sunshine and rain.

5)、The people had to leave the place in New Mexico because there was too much rain there.

11、High in the Swiss Alps many years ago, there lived a lonely shepherd(牧羊人)boy who longed for a friend to share his evenings. One night he saw three old men, each holding a glass.
The first old man said:“Drink this liquid and you shall be victorious in battle.”
The second old man said:“Drink this liquid and you shall have countless riches.”
The last old man said:“I offer you the happiness of music-----the horn(号角).”
The boy chose the third glass, The next day, he came upon a great horn, ten feet in length, When he put his lips to it, a beautiful melody(旋律) floated across the valley. He had found a friend.
So goes the legend(传说) of the horn. First known in the ninth century, the horn was used by herdsmen to call cattle, for its deep tones echoed across the mountainsides. Even today, on a quiet summer evening, its music can be heard floating among the peaks.

1)、The passage tells us his lonely job about the shepherd boy.

2)、The boy choose to drink the glass offered by the last old man because the boy was thirsty.


3)、After the shepherd boy found the horn, he discovered it was like a new-found friend.

4)、Today the horn is heard in the Swiss Alps when it rains.

5)、The Legend of the Horn would be the best title for the passage.


12、  Social customs differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country? Or doesn't it matter? What about table manners? Should you use both hands when you are eating? Should you leave one in your lap, or on the table?
The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o'clock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay.
The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable - especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or shocked, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.
1)、The guest should find an excuse if he is to be late for the dinner.

2)、“It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable” “Bad manners” means shameful.

3)、According to the text, the best host tried his best to make his guests feel comfortable.

4)、The host was polite when he picked up his knife and began eating in the same way.

5)、This passage mainly tells us something about social customs.

13、Younger people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about life, work and play. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy but rather to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make furniture and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around talking and singing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.
When people live together, rules are always necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. The group discusses the problem. They ask, “Why did it happen? ” “What should we do about it? ”
One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: “ You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group. ”

1)、The passage is mainly about how adults and teenagers live together in a special group.


2)、The special program offered every winter in New York city.


3)、People will make more rules when someone breaks a rule.


4)、To find a way to solve the generation gap is NOT stated directly in the passage as a purpose of the program.

5)、Some teenagers learn photography when they are free.


14、 Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van (住房汽车).
A small car can hold four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded. A van hold seven persons easily, so a family of three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together.
Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. There are seven seats in the van, and the sixth and seventh seats are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents' home, the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.
Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.
1)、From the passage, a van is also called a motor home.

2)、Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they built a new place for a van.

3)、A motor home is usually owned by a family with more than two children.

4)、Americans usually use motor homes to drive their children to school every day.

5)、Motor homes have become popular because they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays.

15、 When we read fascinating stories of animals in their natural settings and see gorgeous(非常漂亮的) colored pictures of the animals, few of us realize what some people went through to make all this possible.
To study bats, investigators have to enter caves which can present many problems, including the guano(海鸟粪), which produce unpleasant smell. One cave in Texas, where Merlin Tuttle went to photograph bats, had 20 million of the creatures and tons of guano. Tuttle could breathe only with a respirator(人工呼吸器). That was not easy with the temperature at 102 degrees and the humidity at 100 percent. His respirator failed little by little, but he didn't notice it.
Eventually, he landed in the hospital with 40% of his lung capacity destroyed. Contrary to doctors' predictions he managed to recover. On his first trip after his recovery, he grabbed a tree branch to swing over an abandoned mine shaft(竖井). The tree limb broke and he fell onto large rocks. This time he had broken ribs, but he is ready to go again.
1)、The first paragraph tells us the main idea.

2)、The investigators go to any dangerous place if they want to study bats.

3)、Merlin Tuttle went to a cave in Texas to take pictures of bats.

4)、40% of Merlin's lung capacity destroyed, because the respirator failed to work little by little and he didn't realize it.

5)、The word that can best describe Merlin Tuttle is adventurous.

16、 When you want to go shopping,decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then Look for those clothes on sale.
There are labels inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say "dry clean only. Washing may ruin this coat." If you do as the directions say on the label,you can keep your clothes looking their best.
Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes,check if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
1)、If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that can be washed.

2)、The labels inside the clothes tell you how to save money.

3)、The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is to see how much money you can pay.

4)、We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes are always worse made.

5)、The best title for the reading should be " Being a Clever Clothes Shopper ".

17、How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.
The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases.
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.
1)、The origin of language is _________.
A.a legend handed down from the past
B.a matter that is hidden or secret
C.a question difficult to answer
D.a problem not yet solved

2)、What is true about words?
A.They are used to express feelings only.
B.They can not be written down.
C.They are simply sounds.
D.They are mysterious.

3)、The real power of words consists in their ______.
D.representative function

4)、By “association” in the last paragraph, the author means ______.
A.a special quality
B.a joining of ideas in the mind
C.an appearance which is puzzling
D.a strange feature

5)、Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true?
A.He is no more than a master of words.
B.He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music.
C.He can move men to tears.
D.His style is always charming.

18、In learning a foreign language, one should first pay attention to speaking. It is the ground-work(基础)of reading and writing. You'd better try your best to speak. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. While you are doing this, a good exercise is to write --- keep a diary, write notes or letters and so on. Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily found when you write.Through correcting the mistakes, you can do better in learning a language.
If you are slow in speaking, don't worry. One of the helpful ways is to improve your English by reading, either aloud or low to yourself. The important thing is to choose something interesting to read. It mustn't be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way, don't stop to look up the words if you can guess their meanings or if they are not important to the sentence. You can do that some other time.
1)、Speaking is the ground-work while you are learning a foreign language.

2)、The best way to learn through mistakes is to try your best to speak.

3)、When you write, you will learn how to speak.

4)、When you read, you should choose interesting books for you.

5)、When you find some new words in reading, you should guess their meanings first.

19、 The number of people in the U.S. who choose not to marry is growing every year. By 1996 about 25 million people over the age of 21 years were living alone. 50 years ago this number was less than 2 million. One reason for this is because people are getting married at a much later age than in the past. The average age for men is now 27 years. For women it is about 25 years. Another reason is the increase in the number of divorces.
Living alone has become more acceptable in American society. In the past people sometimes think those who lived alone were a little strange. These days, however, several of the most popular TV shows tell the story of men and women who can't meet “the right person” and who plan to be single forever. Many such single people (especially women) feel that they are more free to pursue (追求) their careers (事业) than those who are married. In a way these people are married to their jobs.
1)、About 23 million people over the age of 21 were not married in America by 1996.

2)、Most of men usually get married at the age of 27 in America.

3)、In the past, people thought it was impossible to live alone.

4)、Some people in America wouldn’t like to get married, because they can’t meet “the right person”.

5)、More and more people in the U.S. choose not to marry.

20、 Mr. Hill arrives at London Airport, at the end of a three-week holiday in France. Usually he wears a beard(胡子). Since it has been hot there, he has shaved his beard. But his passport photo shows him with his beard. An officer looks at the photo for a moment, and says: “Will you excuse me? Please sit down. I shan't keep you long.” With this, he walks away, shows the photo to a second officer, and says: “I know that face.” The second officer looks at the passport and asks where Mr. Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr. Hill has arrived back from Paris, the second officer smiles and says: “An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, And that man looks just the kind of man ...”
Suddenly it comes to the first officer who Mr. Hill is. He returns to him, and asks: “Did you teach at the No.2 High School?” When Mr. Hill answers, in surprise, that he did, the first officer smiles and says: “I thought so. I'm Jack Smith. You taught me French. You haven't changed a bit.”
1)、Mr. Hill has been in France for three weeks.

2)、Mr. Hill has a beard on his face but not in his photo.

3)、The first officer is sure a man without a beard stole the painting.

4)、The second officer says that Mr. Hill stole the painting.

5)、Mr. Hill taught Jack Smith French at the No.2 High School.

21、 Here is a story told about an American general who was a very important figure in the American army during the First World War. Everybody in the United States knew him and many people wished to have a picture or something of his in their homes.
Soon after the war the general returned to Washington. One day he went to a dentist and had six teeth pulled out. A week later the general heard that his teeth were being sold in shops at $5 each. On each of the teeth there was a label with the name of the general and words: "buy these teeth and show them to your friends at home." The general got angry. He rushed to his office and ordered six officers to go around the city and buy all his teeth.
The officers went out and visited every shop in the capital. They were away from the office all day. In the evening they returned and put on the table in front of the general the teeth they had bought. They had collected 175 teeth.
1)、Many families wanted to have a signature of the general.

2)、The general came back to Washington after the First World War.

3)、The general ordered his men to look for all his teeth and buy all of them.

4)、The fact that the general's name was on the label of each tooth shows that the general was famous.

5)、The teeth they collected most probably cost $1150.

22、People have been talking about health for a long time because people know the importance of it. People's understanding of health also becomes deeper with the progress in scientific research. Recently the term "health" has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. It no longer means just the absence of illness. Today, health means the well-being of your body, your mind and your relationship with other people. This new concept of health is closely related to another term-quality of life. Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life.
Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on the quality of a person's life? One reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life that people can now expect. Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer, healthier lives. Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. You could have expected on average to live until about the age of 47. In contrast, if you were born in the year 1999, you could expect to live to the age of 75.
1)、Progress in scientific researchleads to people's deeper understanding of health.


2)、According to the passage, to people of today, health means absence of illness.

3)、The emphasis of health has shifted nowadays because people enjoy better conditions of living and they can live longer.


4)、We can infer from the passage nowadays the emphasis of health has a broader focus because of improvements in the quality of food.

5)、This passage is mainly about different understandings of the term "health".

23、 Education in the United States is usually divided into four levels. These are early children, elementary, secondary and higher education. School attendance is required in every state of the country, and in most states students must attend school from the age of 6 to 16.
The first level is early childhood education. Its main purpose is to prepare children for school.
The second level is elementary education. Education at this level is divided into six or eight grades, and children learn reading, arithmetic, writing, social studies and science. They also have art, music and physical education.
The third level is secondary education. It is for junior and senior high school students. Some students take courses to prepare themselves for college. Other students take technical or vocational courses that prepare them for jobs after they graduate from high school.
Higher education continues after high school. There are many kinds of institutions of higher education. Technical institutes offer two-year programs in electronics, engineering, business and other subjects. After two years at a junior college, students receive an associate degree and then they can continue at a four-year college.
1)、The passage mainly discusses the four levels of American education.

2)、School attendance is required in the USA.

3)、The programs of technical and vocational courses are offered at the 2nd and 3rd levels.

4)、Education at the second level is divided into six or eight.

5)、Post-graduate(研究生)education would most probably be talked about in the next paragraph.

24、 The world is not hungry,but it is thirsty. It seems strange that nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water while we say we are short of water. Why? Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we can't drink or use for watering plants directly. Man can only drink and use the 3% the water that comes from rivers and lakes. And we can't even use all of that,because some of it has been polluted.
Now more water is needed. The problem is: can we avoid a serious water shortage later on? First,we should all learn how to save water. Secondly,we should find out the ways to reuse it. Scientists have always been making study in this field. Today,in most large cities water is used only once and then runs to the sea or rivers. But it can be used again. Even if every large city reused its water,still there would not be enough. What could people turn to next?
The sea seems to have the best answer. There is a lot of water in the sea. All that needs to be done is to get the salt out of the sea water. This is expensive,but it's already in use in many parts of the world. Scientists are trying to find a cheaper way of doing it. So you see,if we can find a way out,we'll be in no danger of drying up.
1)、The world is thirsty because about 97% of water on the earth can't be drunk or used for watering plants directly.

2)、3% of water on the earth is sea water.

3)、From the passage we learn that today in most large cities water is used only once.

4)、To avoid the serious water shortage,we should make dirty water clean and then reuse it.

5)、The title of the passage should be" How to Save Water ".

25、 The dark smoke that comes out of stacks (大烟囱) or from a burning dump (垃圾) contains tiny bits of solid or liquid matter. The smoke also contains many gases, most of which cannot be seen. Altogether, they make up the serious problems of air pollution. In so many places it keeps us from seeing the sun, irritate (刺痛) our eyes, causes us to cough and makes us ill.
Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had "black snow" from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is a global problem. It can kill babies, older people and those who have respiratory (呼吸) disease. In 1952, four thousands people die in one week as a result of a serious air pollution breakout in London. In 1948 in a small town of Pennsylvania, 20 people died in a four - day period of air pollution. As often found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of lung disease, such as bronchitis and asthma. Of course, smoking and other factors help to cause these illnesses, too, but these causes have increased greatly during recent years as air pollution has become worse.
1)、The "black snow" incident is a global problem.

2)、Those who suffer from respiratory illnesses can be killed by air pollution.

3)、4,000 people died of air pollution in Pennsylvania in 1948.

4)、Bronchitis and asthma are lung diseases.

5)、According to the passage, air pollution increases people's chance of getting nervous breakdown.

26、 When you take a walk in many of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world. But the reasons why people keep a dog have changed.
In the old days, people used to train dogs to protect themselves against attacks by other beasts. And later, they came to realize that the dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught without permission. But now, people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of an animal.
Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery, but the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.
1)、It is true that a dog is the most important animal in the world.

2)、According to the passage, dogs were trained for protection against other animals in the past.

3)、Dogs were used for hunting because they always obeyed their masters.

4)、The most important reason for people in the city to keep dogs now for companionship.

5)、The main idea of the passage is that the dog is a useful and friendly animal.

27、 Many people like watching TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people's home. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.
What's going on in the other countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's life in the deepest part of the sea?
If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch .You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.
TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds (思想) . TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing something.
1)、Some people say the world is smaller than before because TV brings the outside world closer to people.

2)、We can answer many TV questions when we watch TV.

3)、People learn better through TV than through radio because people can not only hear but also watch.

4)、The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds” means something is wrong with our minds.

5)、This passage tells us not to watch TV any more.

28、 This story is about a young man. He worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. At last, he couldn't go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But the more he tried, the more he stayed awake.
After a while he decided to visit the doctor. “I just can't go to sleep at night. What should I do?” “I have a suggestion,” said the doctor. “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you'll be asleep. I am sure of it.”
The next day the man reached the doctor's office. “Well,” said the doctor, “how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?”
The man still looked tired. “Yes,” he said, “I tried counting one, two, three...up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand, but then I still couldn't fall asleep.”
1)、The young man couldn’t go to sleep because he had worked too hard and became ill.

2)、The doctor asked the young man to count numbers while he was lying in bed.

3)、The young man returned to the doctor’s office the next day because he wanted to thank the doctor.

4)、The young man counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea.

5)、The young man in fact was not able to count numbers.

29、Mr Tom Forester lived by himself a long way from town. He hardly ever left his home, but one day he went into town to buy some things in the market. After he had bought them, he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers, so after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself some glasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.
The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, "No, I can't read with these."
The man became more and more puzzled(迷惑不解), until finally he said, "Excuse me, but can you read at all?"
"No, of course I can't!" Tom said angrily. "If I was already able to read, do you think I would have come here to buy glasses?"
1)、Mr Forester lived alone in a city.


2)、Tom almost never went into town.


3)、The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers with glasses off.


4)、The shop Tom went into sold glasses for people who could not see well.


5)、What kind of mistake did Tom make? He left his money in the restaurant.


30、 A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness and sense of responsibility.
At the age of about fourteen months, a guide dog begins an intensive course that lasts from three to five months. It becomes accustomed to the leather harness and stiff leather handle it will wear when guiding its blind owner. The dog learns to watch the traffic and to cross the street safely. It also learns to obey such commands as "forward", "left", "right" and "sit" and to disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger.
The most important part of the training course is a four-week program in which the guide dog and its future owner learn to work together. However, many blind people are unsuited by personality to work with dogs. Only a tenth of the blind find a guide dog useful.
1)、A guide dog is a dog trained to help the blind.

2)、A guide dog begins its training course at the age of fourteen months.

3)、Learning not to guide its owner in the street is included in the training course.

4)、The most important part of the training course is to teach the dog how to cooperate with its future owner.

5)、Guide dogs are not popular because it's hard to train a guide dog.

31、 When foreigners come to China for the first time, they are always surprised by the number of bicycles on the roads. China has more cyclists than any other country in the world.
Because the roads are so crowded with bicycles, it is very important for cyclists to remember the traffic rules and regulations.
Before you ride your bicycle on the roads, you must register it and get a number for it. This number will be on a plate on your bicycle. Also, the traffic authorities will want to check the bicycle to make sure that it is in good condition.
Young children may not ride bicycles in the streets, because there is so much traffic that is dangerous. A cyclist must keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times, and a bicycle may not carry more than one adult person.
On which side of the road should you ride? On the right, of course! If you ride on the left of the road, against the traffic, you may cause an accident. Like the driver of a car or bus, you must follow all traffic signs and signals. Everybody knows that you must not turn left or go straight across at a red traffic light. Usually you can turn right, but you must check first to make sure that the road is clear.
If you want to turn or stop, you must give a signal to the cyclists who are riding behind you. Give a signal with your hand at least ten meters before you turn or stop. When you ride past a parked car, you must be careful in case the door opens suddenly or the car starts and drives out in front of you.
Remember these rules and regulations when you ride your bicycle, and help to keep China's roads safe.
1)、It is important for cyclists in China to remember the traffic rules because the roads are crowded with bicycles.

2)、Before you take your bicycle out on the roads you must check the condition of the authorities.

3)、It is wrong to ride with both hands off the handlebars.

4)、If you ride on the left side of the road, you will be against the traffic.

5)、At a red traffic light you must give a hand signal.

32、Man has always wanted to fly. Some of the greatest men in history had thought about the problem. One of them, for example, was the great Italian artist, Leonardo Da Vinci. In the sixteenth century he made designs for machines that would fly, but they were never built.
Throughout history, other less famous men had wanted to fly. An example was a man in England 800 years ago. He made a pair of wings from chicken feathers. Then he fixed them to his body and jumped into air from a tall building. He did not fly very far. Instead, he fell to the ground and broke every bone in his body.
The first real steps took place in France, in 1783. Two brothers, the Montgolfiers, made a very large “hot air balloon”. They knew that hot air rises. Why not fill a balloon with it? The balloon was made of cloth and paper. In September of that year, the King and Queen of France came to see the balloon. They watched it carry the very first air passengers into the sky. The passengers were a sheep and a chicken. We do not know how they felt about the trip. But we do know that the trip lasted eight minutes and that the animals landed safely. Two months later, two men did the same thing. They rose above Paris in a balloon of the same kind. Their trip lasted twenty-five minutes and they traveled about eight kilometers.
1)、Leonardo Da Vinci made designs for flying machines.

2)、Eight hundred years ago an Englishman made a kind of flying machine.

3)、In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly lost his life.

4)、The very first air passengers in the balloon were two Frenchmen.

5)、The two Frenchmen rose above Paris in November 1783.

33、 Language is always changing. In a society where life continues year after year with few changes,the languages do not change either. The earliest known languages had difficult grammar but a small,limited vocabulary. Over the century,the grammar changed,and the vocabulary grew. For example,the English and Spanish people who came to America during the sixteenth century gave names to all the new plants and animals they found. In this way,hundreds of new words were introduced into English and Spanish vocabularies. Today life is changing very fast,and language is changing fast too.
There are several major (主要的) language families in the world. Some scientists say there are nine main families,but other scientists divided them differently. The languages in each family are connected,and scientists think that they came from the same parent language. About 3% of the people in the world speak languages that are not in these major families.
1)、The early language had difficult grammar but not many words.

2)、In the next few hundred years we can expect language to change only a little.

3)、This article shows that language changes fast.

4)、From this article we can know that language can change very slowly or very quickly.

5)、The first English and Spanish people arrived in America more than 300-400 years sago.

34、The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world. It is more than 6000 kilometres long, about 7 metres high, 5 to 6 metres wide. It is known to be the only one of the structures(建筑物) built by men on Earth that can be seen from the moon.
The Potala(布达拉宫) in Tibet, China, is the world's highest palace. It is over 3 kilometres above the sea level.
The Great Pyramid(金字塔) in Egypt is the biggest burial(埋葬) place ever built. It is about 137 metres high, or about the height of 40-storey building. Each side of the Pyramid is about 230 metres long, or about as long as 2 city blocks.
The Sears Tower in Chicago, U.S.A., reaches a height of 443 metres. It has 110 storeys and covers a total floor space of 420,000 square metres. It is the tallest office building in the world.
1)、The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world because it is over six thousand kilometers long.

2)、The biggest burial place that men ever built is in Tibet.

3)、The Sears Tower is about one hundred and thirty seven metres high, so it is the tallest office building in the world.

4)、The only one of the objects built by men on the earth that can be seen from the moon is the Great Wall.

5)、The Potala is in China.

35、 What is the best way to learn a language? We should remember that we learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second language in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people say and tries to imitate what he hears. When he wants something he has to ask for it. He is using the language,talking in it,thinking in it all the time. If people had to use a second language all the time, they would learn it quickly.
We learn our own language by hearing people speak it,not by seeing what they write. We imitate what we hear. In school,though you learn to read and write as well as to hear and speak,it is best to learn all the new words through the ear. You can read them,spell them and write them later.
1)、Everyone learns his mother language when he is a child.

2)、A small child learns to speak by imitating what people say.

3)、People can learn a language quickly if they imitate it.

4)、It is best to learn new words through reading first.

5)、The best way to learn a language is to use the language all the time.

36、The word horsepower(马力) was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt had made the first widely used steam(蒸气) engine. He had no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring(测量) power.
Watt decided to find out how much work one strong horse could do in one minute. He called that unit one horsepower. With this unit he could measure the work his steam engine could do.
He discovered that a horse could lift a 3,300-pound weight 10 feet into the air in one minute. His engine could lift a 3,300-pound weight 100 feet in one minute.
Because his engine did ten times as much work as the horse, Watt called it a ten horsepower engine.

1)、The passage says that Watt made the first widely used steam engine.

2)、Watt made up a unit of measurement based on the strength of a horse.

3)、Watt wanted to find a way to lift a 3300-pound weight.

4)、One horsepower would equal the weight a horse could lift.

5)、The title of the passage is "How the Term Horsepower Came into Being".

37、 When my husband was promoted, we put our house up for sale. Three weeks later, it was still on the market. I became a busy house keeper. Every room had to be kept tidy and dishes had to be washed and put away when used.
Then one day the doorbell rang unexpectedly at 8 a.m., sleepily I opened the door and saw our agent standing there with a couple from New York. "There was no time to call," he explained, "the couple had to catch a plane home."
The three people made their way past the dirty breakfast dishes on the kitchen table and into a bedroom with unmade bed. As I retreated(退却) into a bathroom to comb my hair, I heard the man say something to his wife. Then they both laughed.
Two days later, the agent phoned to tell me that the couple had bought the house. He repeated what the buyer had said when he handed over the check the following day, "That house has a warm, lived-in feeling, just like ours."
1)、The husband got a higher position.

2)、The agent called on the speaker so early in the morning because he had made an appointment with her for 8 a.m..

3)、The couple laughed at her.

4)、One day the doorbell rang unexpectedly at 8 a.m.

5)、The agent finally bought the house.

38、  A tourist comes out of the airport. There are a lot of taxis, but the tourist asks every taxi-driver his name. He asks the third taxi. It costs £ 5 from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” the tourist asks. “£ 100,” says the taxi-driver. This is very expensive, but the tourist accepts the price.
The taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere. He shows him all the monuments and all the museums. In the evening, they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the driver £ 100 and says: “What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver looks at the tourist, “Tomorrow? It's another £ 100.” But the tourist says: “That's O.K. If that's the price, that's the price. See you tomorrow.” The taxi-driver is very pleased.
The next day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again. They visited all the museums and the monuments again. And in the second evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver another £ 100 and says: “I'm going home tomorrow.” The taxi-driver is very sorry. He likes the tourist and, above all, £ 100 a day is good money. “So you're going home. Where do you come from?” he asks.
“I come from New York.”
“New York!” says the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susanah. Do you know her?”
“Of course I know her. She gave me £ 200 for you.”
1)、The story takes place in New York.

2)、The tourist is an American.

3)、The tourist asks every taxi-driver his name because he is afraid of being cheated.

4)、The taxi-driver is very pleased with the tourist for the good price.

5)、We can conclude that the tourist is a cheat.

39、A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soon she became his fiancée (未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was rich. The young man wanted to make her a present on her birthday. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he had no idea how to do it, as he had very little money. The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there: gold watches, diamond… but all these things were too expensive. There was one thing he could not take his eyes off. It was a beautiful vase. That was a suitable present for his fiancée. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour when the manager of the shop noticed him. The young man looked so pale, sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him.
The young man told him everything. The manager felt sorry for him and decided to help him. A bright idea struck him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great surprise the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces. The manager said: "When the servant enters the room, he will drop it."
On the birthday of his fiancée the young man was very excited.
Everything happened as had been planned. The servant brought in the vase, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was horror on everybody's face. When the box was opened, the guests saw that each piece was packed separately.
1)、The story took place in the United States.

2)、The young man's family was poor while the beautiful girl is rich, according to the passage.


3)、The young man wanted to buy a present as a Christmas gift for the girl.

4)、The shop manager came to talk to the young man, because he was poorly dressed.

5)、On the birthday of his fiancée, the young man was excited because the girl was in love with him.

40、 Many people go to school to receive an education. They learn languages, history, physics, chemistry, and math. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, cannot teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher's job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.
It is more important to know how to study by oneself than to know only some facts or formulas (公式). It is in fact quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in math. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a math problem. Great scientists before us didn't get everything from school. Their teachers only showed them the way. But they were all so successful and invented so many things for us. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school and they asked many questions. They worked hard all their lives, never wasting time. Above all, they knew how to use their brain.
1)、A student learns new things from school only.

2)、A teacher should teach his students how to learn.

3)、Great scientists learned everything from school.

4)、The sentence "Their teachers only showed them the way" means that their teachers taught them how to learn.

5)、The text talks about the importance of schooling.

41、The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were dissatisfied with the condition of the property, so John Preston called a meeting to discuss things last week. At the meeting John suggested setting up a residents' committee. Everyone was so worried and angry about the agent's inactivity that they agreed, and they elected John as Chairman of the committee. Many residents said that they were tired of telephoning the agent and tired of complaining about the flats. Although the agent was responsible for the flats, they thought that he didn't do enough. Therefore John was asked to write to the agent and say that they were disappointed with the management of the flats.
The next service payment was due at the end of the month. However, they agreed not to pay it until they were happy with the plans to improve the property. They decided to tell the agent that he must start the work within one month. They all went away very pleased with themselves.
1)、Why did John Preston call a meeting last week?
A.Because the residents were dissatisfied with the present residents' committee.
B.Because the residents were dissatisfied with the bad management of the flats.
C.Because some residents requested to change the present residents' committee.
D.Because he wanted to become Chairman of the committee.

2)、Who elected John as Chairman of the committee?
A.The agent.
B.The residents.
C.The committee.
D.Acacia Grove.

3)、What does the word "inactivity" mean in the third sentence in Para. 1?
D.Lack of actions

4)、What does the word "due" mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?
A.to be paid

5)、When did they agree to pay the next service payment?
A.At the end of the month.
B.Within one month.
C.When they were happy with the plans to improve the property.
D.The agent would tell them.

42、  “Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meaning.
“Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It's cool. ” You may think, “He's so cool, ” when you see your favourite footballer.
We all maximize (扩大) the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student's paper was just the one sentence, “It's so cool. ” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.
But the story also shows a scarcity (缺乏) of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.
1)、We know that the word "cool" has had only one meaning.

2)、In paragraph one of the passage, the word “express” means “show”.

3)、If you are unhappy with something, you may say, “It’s cool.”

4)、The writer takes an example to show he is pleased with the way the word is used.

5)、In the passage, the writer suggests that the word “cool”may not be as cool as it seems.

43、 Pepys and his wife had asked some friends to dinner on Sunday, September 2nd, 1666. The servants were up very late on the Saturday evening, getting everything ready for the next day, and while they were busy they saw the glow (暗淡的光) of a fire start in the sky. By 3 o'clock on the Sunday morning, the glow had become so bright that one of the servants, Jane, woke her master to see it. Pepys went to the window to watch it. It seemed fairly far away, so after a time he went back to bed. When he got up in the morning, it looked as though the fire was dying down, though he could still see some flames. So he set to work to tidy his room and put his things back where he wanted them after the servants had cleaned everything.
While he was doing this, Jane came in to say that she had heard that the fire was a bad one: three hundred houses had been burned down in the night and the fire was still burning. Pepys went out to see for himself. He went to the Tower of London and climbed up on a high part of the building so that he could see what was happening. From there, Pepys could see that it was, indeed, a bad fire and that even the houses on London Bridge were burning. Someone told him that the fire had started in a baker's house in Pudding Lane, and then the flames had quickly spread to the other houses in the narrow lane. So began the Great Fire of London, a fire that lasted nearly five days, destroyed most of the old city and ended, so it is said, at Pie Corner.
1)、The servants were up very late because they were watching a fire.

2)、Pepys went back to bed because the fire was far away.

3)、A lot of houses were burned down in the fire.

4)、The fire started on London Bridge.

5)、Pie Corner was the place where the fire ended.

44、 Lunchtime was my favorite subject when I was at school. I was really good at it. Plus, I loved school lunches.
Many students don't share my love. A lot of students bring their own lunches to school. Their mothers might make them sandwiches or leftovers from last night's dinner.
But not me! I couldn't wait for the school's hot lunch. At the beginning of each month a calendar was handed out. On it was the hot lunch schedule for that month. I used to circle the days I was excited for. Chicken fingers. Mexican casserole (焙盘). Every Friday they served pizza. With the lunches they sometimes had little potatoes we call tater tots.
I loved waiting in line and talking with my friends. For only $1.35, which is very cheap, you would get a tray with different foods on it and a cup of milk. I always got chocolate milk. But don't tell my mother, she didn't know. Then you'd carry your food to your lunch table and sit down with your friends. Boys rarely sat with girls. We'd talk about sports and TV while we ate lunch. When we finished we usually played a game with a paper football until we got in trouble.
In school lunch was more than a time to eat. For me it was the best part of my day!
1)、The best title for this article is School Lunches.

2)、A lot of students brought lunches from home.

3)、Chicken fingers were not served in the school lunch.

4)、His mother likes him to drink chocolate milk.

5)、He thought of lunch time as the best part of a day.

45、 Mr. Hodges was the owner and editor of a small newspaper. He always tried to bring his readers the latest news.
One day, he received an exciting telephone call from someone who claimed that he had just come through a big flood in a village up in the mountains. He described the flood in great detail, and Mr. Hodges wrote it all down and printed it in his paper that evening. He was delighted to see that no other paper had got hold of the story.
Unfortunately, however, angry telephone calls soon showed that he had been tricked, so in the next day's paper he wrote: "We were the first and only newspaper to report yesterday that the village of Greenbridge had been destroyed by a flood. Today, we are proud to say that our newspaper is the first one to bring our readers the news that yesterday's story was quite false."
1)、Mr. Hodges always tries to bring to his readers a lot of pleasure.

2)、A big flood up in the mountains was the news that someone gave Mr. Hodges one day.

3)、After Mr. Hodges received the news, he published it right away.

4)、Mr. Hodges found later the flood was really terrible.

5)、Mr. Hodges is a good editor.

46、 On Christmas Eve─the night before Christmas Day─children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.
Father Christmas is very kind and hearted. He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents.
Of course, Father Christmas isn't real. In Jim and Kate's house, "Father Christmas" is really Mr Green. Mr Green doesn't climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are asleep. Then he quietly goes into their bedrooms and fills their stockings with small presents. When they were very young, Mr Green sometimes wore a red coat. But he doesn't do that now. The children are no longer young, and they know who "Father Christmas" really is. But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.
1)、Christmas Eve is the night before Christmas Day.

2)、Father Christmas often puts presents under children's beds.

3)、When the children were very young,they knew who put the presents into their stockings.

4)、When the children are older, they know that Father Christmas is really their father.

5)、People tell children that Father Christmas comes into the house through the chimney.

47、 He has done what Mohammed Ali did for boxing, Michael Jordan for basketball, Roger Federer for tennis and Tiger Woods for golf. Twenty-three-year-old Michael Phelps has become a phenomenon in swimming.
At the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, he won eight gold medals. That was more than the whole Australian team could put together. He beat Mark Spitz's 1972 record of seven wins in the pool at the one Games. Phelps has put his name next to seven world records.
Nine days, 17 games, morning and night he competed and won. He had to beat former world record-holders and gold medalists. He had to turn their wins into old news.
"I'm just lucky to have the drive that I have, the talent that I have and the excitement for the sport," Phelps said after winning his last medal.
After the Olympics, swimming will not be in the news so much. But Phelps has decided to keep working to popularize it.
"I don't want this sport to be an every-four-years sport," Phelps said. "Over the past four years, it's skyrocketed. I'm honored to help this sport for the next generation of swimmers who will have it better than I have."
1)、Phelps is a swimmer.

2)、Roger Federer is famous for tennis.

3)、"竞争"is closest in meaning to the underlined word "phenomenon".

4)、Phelps wants to change swimming to an every-four-years sport.

5)、"Swimming is going to be popular" can be the most suitable title for this article.

48、 A couple of months ago, I went to a department store to buy a few things for the house. I needed a set of curtains for the living room, two table lamps, a rug and several cushions. I asked them to deliver the things as soon as possible, but they said that they were unable to send them out until 20 days later. After about 3 weeks, I received only the curtains and table lamps. I was a little disappointed when I didn't receive all the items I had bought. But nevertheless, I was eager to see what the curtains and lamps looked like. I first opened the package with the curtains. I had bought a lovely light blue, and instead they had sent me a horrible dark purple. Well, you can just imagine how angry I was. Then I opened the boxes with the lamps. They were exactly what I'd ordered. But one of the lamp shapes was damaged. The next I did was to telephone them to complain. They promised to come and pick them up immediately and also to replace them with the correct order. It has been two weeks since my complaint. They have neither picked up the wrong items nor sent me the rest of my order.
1)、The woman want the store to deliver the items was in a couple of weeks.

2)、The woman was pleased when she saw the items they had delivered.

3)、Her complaint was ignored in the end.

4)、After three weeks, the woman received only the curtains and table lamps.

5)、Besides curtains, table lamps, the woman bought a cushion.

49、There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.
Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly, months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.
The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.
Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.
1)、Our long-term goals mean a lot _______.
A.if we cannot reach solid short-term goals
B.if we complete the short-term goals
C.if we have dreams of the future
D.if we put forward some plans

2)、New short-term goals are built upon______.
A.a daily basis
B.your achievement in a week
C.current activities
D.the goals that have been completed

3)、When we complete each step of our goals, ________.
A.we will win final success
B.we are overwhelmed
C.we will build up our confidence to achieve success
D.we should have strong desire for setting new goals

4)、What is the main idea of this passage? _______
A.Life is a dynamic thing.
B.We should set up long-term goals.
C.Different kinds of goals in life.
D.The limitation of long-term goals.

5)、Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _______
A.The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without achieving short-term goals.
B.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.
C.Life is a static thing, thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.
D.We should often add new short-term goals to what have been completed.

50、What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is “no”. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.
The scientist’s knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the conditions are different, any changes the scientist observes in a demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the Theory of Relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, and Einstein’s ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.
1)、What makes a scientist according to the passage? ________
A.The tools he uses.
B.The way he uses his tools.
C.His ways of learning.
D.The various tools he uses.

2)、The underlined part in the passage shows_______.
A.the importance of information
B.the importance of thinking
C.the difference between scientists and ordinary people
D.the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs

3)、A sound scientific theory should be one that _________.
A.works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times
B.does not allow any changes even under different conditions
C.can be used for many purposes
D.leaves no room for improvement

4)、The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate __________.
A.that measurements are keys to success in science
B.that accuracy of mathematics
C.that investigations are important in science
D.that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations

5)、What is the main idea of the passage? ________
A.The theory of relativity.
B.Exactness is the core of science.
C.Scientists are different from ordinary people.
D.Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.

51、When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay, they did not bring very many things with them. They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more people are using. The renting of home furnishings (bed, tables, dishes, and so on) has become one of America’s fastest growing businesses.
What kinds of people rent their home furnishings instead of buying them? People who are international business or government officials, foreign students, airline workers, young married couples - people whose job or business may force them to move frequently from one city to another. They save a lot of trouble and the cost of moving their furniture each time. They simply rent new furniture when they reach their new homes. Young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. They prefer to wait until they have enough money to buy furniture they really like. Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.
One family, who now have a large, beautiful home of their own, liked their rented furniture so much that they decided to keep renting it instead of buying new things. But usually people don’t like to tell others about it. The idea of renting home furnishings is still quite new, and they are not sure what their neighbors might think.
1)、Which of the following has become one of America’s fastest growing businesses?
A.Selling home furnishings.
B.Renting furnished apartments.
C.Selling used furniture.
D.Renting home furnishings.

2)、Why do some people prefer to rent furniture?
A.Because the furniture they get in this way is new.
B.Because it saves them a lot of money.
C.Because it saves them much trouble and money.
D.Because they can always get better quality furniture in this way.

3)、What can you infer from the passage?
A.The idea of renting furniture is not acceptable.
B.Renting furniture is not popular in the couple’s home town.
C.Only those who don’t have enough money to rent furniture.
D.People usually grow to like the furniture they have rented.

4)、Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.Rent or Buy?
B.A New Way of Getting Home Furnishings.
C.Furnished Apartments.

5)、Young people liked renting home furniture because_________
A.they have less money.
B.they don’t want to buy old furniture.
C.the new furniture is of good quality.
D.they don’t have much money and don’t want to buy the cheap furniture.

52、Once James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked to paint some pictures on the walls of the king's palace in England.
Then workers were sent for and a big platform(台子)was made.
With the help of a worker, Thornhill started painting on the platform. They worked for a whole year and at last the pictures were ready.
Thornhill was happy when he looked at the pictures, for they were really beautiful. He looked at them for a long time, and then took one step back and looked again. Now the pictures were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he was at the very edge of the platform, but he didn't know it because he was thinking of his pictures.
The worker saw everything. "What should I do?" he thought. "Thornhill was at the very edge of the platform. If I cry out, he will take another step, fall off it and surely be killed. "So the worker quickly took some paint(漆)and threw it at the pictures.
"What are you doing?" cried the painter, running quickly forward to his pictures.
1)、James Thornhill was an English ______.

2)、He was ordered to ______.
A.paint the wall of the king's palace in England
B.paint some pictures on the wall of the palace
C.build a big platform in front of the palace
D.put up some new pictures on the old wall

3)、It took them ______ to finish the pictures.
A.a month
B.a week
C.twelve months
D.half a month

4)、James Thornhill felt that the ______ he was from the pictures, the ______ they were.
A.nearer…more beautiful
B.farther…more ugly
C.farther…more beautiful
D.higher above…more good-looking

5)、The worker threw some paint at the pictures in order to ______.
A.save James' life
B.destroy the picture
C.make the picture more beautiful
D.make the king angry

53、When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued (发行).
On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final. When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why. At 2 o'clock my mother went back to work as usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV at home. Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening to it on the radio.
England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office. As we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter. She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERSon each stamp. We were over the moon.
We still have it today,and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.
1)、This passage mainly tells us ______.
A.the author and her brother used to like stamps very much
B.the author had a very kind mother
C.the author and her brothers had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps
D.their mother used to support them by working in the post office

2)、According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ______.
A.during the week
B.on Saturdays
C.on Sundays
D.for six days

3)、Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why. Why do you think she did that?
A.She wanted to give them a surprise.
B.She doubted if she would get the stamps.
C.She forgot to do that.
D.She thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason.

4)、What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean?
A.We jumped high.
B.We were extremely happy about it.
C.We watched the moon for a long time.
D.We couldn't sleep the whole night.

5)、What is the best title for this passage?
A.My Childhood
B.My Mother
C.A Precious Stamp

54、In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it's a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.
In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person, who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.
1)、What is the main idea of this passage? ________
A.It is not customary to telephone someone in the morning and in sleeping hours in the U.S.
B.The role of time in social life over the world.
C.If people are late, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible in the U.S.
D.Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.

2)、What does it mean in the passage if you call someone during his or her sleeping hours? _______
A.A matter of work.
B.A matter of life or death.
C.You want to see him or her.
D.You want to make an appointment with him or her.

3)、Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your friend in the U.S. A.?
A.at 7:00 am
B.at 4:00 pm
C.at the midnight
D.at 4 am

4)、Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ________
A.In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.
B.No misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures about the concept of time.
C.It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A..
D.Promptness is valued highly in American life.

5)、From the passage we can safely infer that _______
A.it’s a matter of life or death if you call someone in day time.
B.the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.
C.it makes no difference in the U.S. whether you are early or late for a business party.
D.if a person is late for a date, he needn’t make some explanation.

55、 These days, more and more young people wish to be more beautiful, so they turn to plastic surgery(整形手术)for help. They spend thousands of Yuan on these painful surgeries to fix their nose, to change their eyelids(眼皮)or to take off weight from their stomachs.
In fact, most people are not pleased with the way they look. Even the most beautiful actresses often wish they could change something about their looks. Should we live our whole lives believing we are ugly? Why can't we raise our head high and believe that we are as beautiful as others? A smile is beautiful on any face, whether fat, oily or hairy. And a kind heart is much more beautiful than a pretty look.
So, let's feel grateful that we all have beautiful and healthy bodies that do not need surgeries! Today, I call on you to make an easy change: Hold your head high! Smile and be kind to others. If you do these, you will be full of confidence, beauty, and warmth everywhere you go.
1)、People think they can eat less to make their dreams come true.

2)、Young people are more and more interested in plastic surgeries.

3)、We can feel great if we hold our head up.

4)、The writer suggests we should believe we are as beautiful as others.

5)、Actresses never worry about their looks.


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