国开电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务1Continuous Assessment 1答案

国开电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务1Continuous Assessment 1答案 | 零号床学习笔记
国开电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务1Continuous Assessment 1答案
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“题目1:_____ is an example of metaphor.
: “ The windows wave violently in the wind.”
;  “Don’t stand there like a tin of milk.”
; “Her eyes twinkled like stars.”
; “ Her tongue is a sharp knife.” ”
“题目2:_____ contains an example of simile.
: “Her eyes twinkled like stars.”
; “My face is an open book.”
; “The wind whistled through the trees.”
; “ Words pay no debts.””
“题目3:_____ is an example of personification.
: “Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”
; “He has a heart of stone.”
; “Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth”
; “Soon night will steal hours from the day.””
“题目4: _______ contains an example of assonance.
: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
; “He was secret, self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.”
; “Better late than never.”
; “The best for less.””
“题目5:_____ is an example of parallelism.
: “Least said, soonest mended.”
;  “He has a heart of stone. Stay away from him.”
; “Life is a journey, not a destination. Travel it well.”
;  “Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.””
“题目6:_____ contains two examples of metaphor.
: “The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.
; “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.”
; “We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.”
; “The street shone out, like a fire in the forest.””
“题目7:_____ contains an example of simile.
:  “The years have silvered her hair.”
; “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women are merely players.”
; “ Her tongue is like a sharp knife.”
; “My face is an open book.””
“题目8:_______ contains an example of assonance.
: “United we stand, divided we fall.”
; “Least said, soonest mended.”
; “The sea is a hungry dog.”
;  “He just parrots what other students say.””
“题目9:_____ contains an example of parallelism.
:  “Life is a journey, not a destination.”
; “He has a heart of stone. Stay away from him.”
; “The houses are cold, closed and unfriendly.”
; “United we stand, divided we fall.””
“题目10: _____ is an example of personification.
: “The houses are cold, closed and unfriendly.”
; “He has a heart of stone.”
;  “Life is a journey. Travel it well.”
;  “Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.””
题目11:The proverb “Lies have short legs” is an example of personification.
题目12:“Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds.” is an example of simile.
题目13:“ The runner peaked before the end of the race.” is an example of personification.
题目14:The statement “He was my North, my South, my East and West” is a good example of assonance because it contains the repeated “m” .
题目15:“The life of Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation.” contains examples of metaphor.
题目16:“Don’t stand there like a tin of milk.” is an example of assonance.
题目17:“Her story is one of struggle, success and sadness.” is an example of alliteration.
题目18:“The flowers nodded in the breeze.” is an example of personification.
题目19:“Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice” contains examples of irony.
题目20: “Haste makes waste.” contains examples of alliteration and assonance.

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