15款Firefox Flickr扩展插件


我们收集了15款firefox Flickr扩展, 涵盖导航、下载和翻墙等延伸应用,让你拥有一个更好的Flickr使用体验。

Access Flickr! – 这个工具旨在帮助用户绕开防火墙访问Flickr,适合那些封锁Flickr访问的国家,比如伊朗,阿联酋,中国等等。

A tool built specifically to help users bypass firewalls in countries that block Flickr such as Iran, the UAE, China and more.

Better Flickr – Better Flickr 集成了一系列的Greasemonkey脚本来实现多种扩展功能,比如相片放大、缩略图扩展、富编辑功能和更多方便的应用。.  只还可以通过复选框选择你需要的功能。

Better Flickr combines several Greasemonkey scripts such as photo magnifier, thumbnail enhancer, rich edit and more into one convenient extension.  Simply check the boxes for the portions of the add-on you wish to use.

Fireflix -一个侧边栏扩展,让用户可以从本地上传图片,生成html代码链接,搜索相片等等。

A sidebar extension that works with Flickr to upload images from local files, generate HTML for linking, search photostreams and more.

Flickr – 这个简单的扩展可以让用户直接在浏览器中搜索Flickr相片.

A simple extension that adds the ability to search Flickr photos directly from your browser.

Flickr Auto Page – 这个扩展移除Flickr中的“Next” 按钮,取代的是可以自动载入下一张图片,所以你可以滚动浏览相片,看上去更加的酷。

This extension removes the “Next” button from Flickr and will autoload the next picture so you can just scroll through them in a much easier fashion.

Flickr Buddy – 这个扩展会在你的Firefox状态栏添加一个图标,当你关注的用户更新照 片时,你会获取及时的RSS Feed更新通知。

Adds an icon to your status bar in Firefox that will pull Flickr RSS feeds and notify you when the people you are following have updated.

Flickr Gallery Plus! – Flickr Gallery Plus! 可以在一张大图旁边显示其它图片的小缩略图,这样你就可以方便的浏览和切换到其它图片。

Flickr Gallery Plus! allows you to see one large image next to the smaller thumbnails on the page.  You can then move amongst the thumbnails to view all of the images as a larger version.

Flickr Original – 这个扩展可以添加一个选项到Flickr图片右键菜单,这个选项可以让你直接下载该图片的原尺寸版本。

Adds an option upon right clicking on a Flickr image to just directly download the original image at full size.

Flickr Themr – Flickr的界面设计很漂亮,但时间看长了,你可以还是会感到厌 倦,Flickr Themr可以让你添加蓝色主题或灰色主题。

Tired of Flickr being white everywhere you look?  Flickr Themr will add a blue & gray theme to the site as you browse it.

Flickrfox – 使用 Flickrfox,可以让你在Firefox侧边栏中搜索Flickr图片.

With Flickrfox you get a sidebar for your browser that allows you to search Flickr photostreams while other web pages load.

FlickrSpaceBall – 这个扩展可以移除一些Flickr照片上的spaceball.gif 。

This extension removes the spaceball.gif that sits atop some images on Flickr.

FlickrTrans – 在右键菜单中添加一个能让你快速进入你的Flickr帐户的选项。

Right click on any image on any site, and you can load it to your Flickr account and then use it.

Fotofox – 这是一个相片上传扩展,它可以让你通过拖拽操作将本地图片上传到40多个在线图片服务,当然也包括Flickr。你可以对上传的图片添加标签,设置查看权 限等等。

A photo upload manager that allows you to drag and drop images from your system into the extension, add tags, set privacy and more; then you can upload them to over 40 different photo sites including Flickr.

Lockr – 你不需要进入Flickr,就可以分享图片到Facebook。

Share content from Flickr with users on Facebook without them having to log into Flickr.

Uploadr for Flickr – 这个扩展可以让你直接把在其它网站上发现的图片上传到Flickr帐户。

Gives you the ability to upload images you find on various websites directly to your Flickr account.


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